During root canal therapy, there is a risk of tooth perforation. This means a small hole is made through the side of the tooth.
Root canal perforations are a rare occurrence that will need to be repaired to save the tooth. Silk Dental manages referrals for perforation repairs when root canal therapy fails.
How does an endodontic perforation happen?
During root canal therapy, small tools are used to clean the root canals and remove infected tissue. In complex cases, it is possible to accidentally perforate the tooth, creating a small hole through the side of the tooth. This is one of the risks of root canal therapy that you should be aware of before treatment begins.
How are perforations repaired?
The type of repair will depend on the location of the perforation. There are surgical and non-surgical methods to consider, including repairing the perforation. Surgical crown lengthening procedures may also be considered to reposition the perforation.
Is endodontic surgery painful?
Local anaesthetic is used to make sure you are comfortable throughout the treatment. If the procedure is very long, or you are a nervous patient, we may recommend conscious sedation. This will help you relax, manage your pain, and make the treatment appear to pass much more quickly.
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